Subject: I thought you were going to be like AbĂ»!
Hi everyone,
This was a pretty great week. it started out with me and Elder Smith doing an interchange. we are both training, so we thought we shouldnt leave our companions together, but President Maynes told us we should. It was so fun, we've both improved our teaching a ton while training, and we just laughed all day as we were walking... Then a monkey bit me. Ya, one of our investigatores has a niehbor with a monkey, and they really love sun flower seeds. But I got a little too close and he chomped down on my finger. I was not happy. but the monkey doesnt have rabies so we're good.
After that whole thing we had a conference with Elder Marcus Nash, the President of the area South America North West, and before that he was president of our area... you guys probably knew that, But I was oblivious to it back then. He's amazing. We all met him and shook his hand, I told him I was from Pasco and he says ''I remember you!''... I had a conversation with him about that 2 years in Lima, it was cool he remembered. He taught us about a new way to teach, with questions that really make people express themselves. We tried it this week and really had some great experiences. People have been sharing with us more about thier hopes and fears in this life. Its really helped me develop more love for the people. Now when I meet someone, I think more about the chalenges they face.
After the conference I talked a little more with Elder Nash. He started raving about the Tri Cities, and about President Montierth. Im supposed to give him a hug for Elder Nash when I get home.
The area is coming along slowly, we talked more with the Bishopric yesterday about how we can help them with their worries, so that they can help us too. With their help we'll see more progress.
So I only have 5 Sundays left, and today I start my last planner... it's still not real. I talked to my friend Elder Anderson, who leaves in a few days... he still doesnt believe that hes going home. Im probably going to be the same.
EE- I have tons of people to meet when I get home haha
Valynn- it actually says in the manual that a missionary needs to be alone when in the bathroom... I dont want to know why the leaders had to put that in writing.
Mom and Dad- Im starting to realize that ending the mission doesnt mean I get to relax (well maybe a bit). But Im staying busy, but mondays are a bit hard to keep focused with four other Elders from my group. Oh and I tihnk if I stop working Pres Maynes would send me home without honor a day early.
Grandma- Im excited to see all the changes. But Im still not happy about the new high school.
Kim- my companion is doing really well. We find out on Wednesday if we stay together or not.
Crystal-Im still haning in there, i learned a ton from Elder Nash that i havent been doing for most of my mission, so Im trying to end well using the things he taught.
Ok fam, talk to you next week, love you, keep safe
Elder Wilson
Bolivia Time
We Believe
May 17, 2010
May 11, 2010
5-10-2010 E-MAIL
Subject: 6 hours
sooo... I hope you guys got me email last week, its showing right now that its only saved.. but whatever, Ill be talking to you today. It was really wierd dropping under 50 days left.
This week went pretty well. We are teaching a lot of lessons, so thats nice not having to just knock doors all day. But we would like to see more progress with our investigators. Ana is so ready to get baptized... but she needs to get divorced first and marry Felipe. Her hubby lives 8 hours away and they aren’t exactly buds. But their son is on our side and said he’d talk the dad into coming down... if he doesn’t come down, I’ll probably be married before them (which is a LONG time away).
I got to play wedding counselor again this week with Guisela and Abraham. Its tough cuz we aren’t supposed to give advice about relationships to people, so we have to do it through gospel priciples, teaching about Attributes of Christ. But we helped them out. Guisela is starting to gain a testimony, she'll be baptized once things cool down between them.
I met a guy named Mauricio, he’s really cool. He told us ''ya, I use to listen to the 7th day adventists... in prison''. He had a really rough past, got shot a couple times, and use to use drugs. He's kinda a differnt guy, but seems sincere, I think he'll progress.
we are trying to work more with members, I’ve never been very good about that in my mission. But it’s our only hope here in Estacion.
Crystal- Yes they celebrate Mother day here, but its on the 27 of May.
Valynn-My comp is really great, he showed up really prepared (10000 times more than i was). His only problem is that he gets really nervous when he teaches, and that makes the people nervous. We’re working on that with him. ¿Are we going to Florida or California?
EE- A Store?
Kim-we'll give the cell phone a shot. I’m glad you guys had fun on your trip.
KK- Emily looks ummm.... gordita in the pic.
Dad- Cool, I’ll get to see Bretts wedding, and a ton of the cousins.
Ok- talk to you guys in 6 hours.
love, Elder Wilson
sooo... I hope you guys got me email last week, its showing right now that its only saved.. but whatever, Ill be talking to you today. It was really wierd dropping under 50 days left.
This week went pretty well. We are teaching a lot of lessons, so thats nice not having to just knock doors all day. But we would like to see more progress with our investigators. Ana is so ready to get baptized... but she needs to get divorced first and marry Felipe. Her hubby lives 8 hours away and they aren’t exactly buds. But their son is on our side and said he’d talk the dad into coming down... if he doesn’t come down, I’ll probably be married before them (which is a LONG time away).
I got to play wedding counselor again this week with Guisela and Abraham. Its tough cuz we aren’t supposed to give advice about relationships to people, so we have to do it through gospel priciples, teaching about Attributes of Christ. But we helped them out. Guisela is starting to gain a testimony, she'll be baptized once things cool down between them.
I met a guy named Mauricio, he’s really cool. He told us ''ya, I use to listen to the 7th day adventists... in prison''. He had a really rough past, got shot a couple times, and use to use drugs. He's kinda a differnt guy, but seems sincere, I think he'll progress.
we are trying to work more with members, I’ve never been very good about that in my mission. But it’s our only hope here in Estacion.
Crystal- Yes they celebrate Mother day here, but its on the 27 of May.
Valynn-My comp is really great, he showed up really prepared (10000 times more than i was). His only problem is that he gets really nervous when he teaches, and that makes the people nervous. We’re working on that with him. ¿Are we going to Florida or California?
EE- A Store?
Kim-we'll give the cell phone a shot. I’m glad you guys had fun on your trip.
KK- Emily looks ummm.... gordita in the pic.
Dad- Cool, I’ll get to see Bretts wedding, and a ton of the cousins.
Ok- talk to you guys in 6 hours.
love, Elder Wilson
5-3-2010 E-MAIL
Subject: Shopping
hey everybody,
yeah so its May now. Reality is starting to set in a little bit. Deep down I really don’t believe I’m ever going home, but now that President Maynes even talks about it, its starting to sink in a bit. I’m starting to say I’m only going to do this one more time, for example fasting on the mission, going to zone conference. In the next confernce I’ll be giving my last testimony... thats so wierd.
I learned a lot about of lessons about my weaknesses and how much I still need to improve. We had zone conference and President Maynes talked to us about charity, and that part of it is looking at the potential people have, and not judgeing them. I realized I do that a lot, sometimes before we even teach them Im already doubting they will even be at the house, let alone progress. So I made an effort these past couple days after the conference to be more positive about people, it works out waybetter. We know that faith without works is dead, but I found out works without faith doesn’t work out either.
After the change in attitude things got a lot better, we've found a lot of people through references and have a lot more people listening to us. So things are looking up in Estacion. Ana is really excited and we are doing everything we can to get her divorce to go through.
My companion is doing really great. He came really prepared, his only problem is that he doesn’t teach simply, and so no one really follows his lessons. We've been practicing a lot one being clear, simple and direct, it works WAY better.
So Saturday I had my interview with President Maynes, we started talking about the things I learned from the conference, and I told him about charity. His answer was ''good elder, you work on that... for the next 55 days''
You'll all be happy to know that you all have presents now. What I bought for Kaylene and Josh is my personal favorite... I just hope none of it breaks on the way home. I also ran into one of my favorite people on the world Elder Meridith today... love that guy.
And I talked to Pres Maynes and I’ll be calling next Monday the 10th. But tommorow Ill do the precall I think, so well confirm everthing.
Valynn-Tell Jamen and Kateyln and Tyler good job
Grandma- are they spliting the stake?
Mom- Ill be home to help with chores in a bit. HAve you talked to Elder Puglisi's parents about houseing?
Matt- todavia no se jugar el futbol.
EE I cant believe I stil dont know Liam
Kim- Im still working hard, training keeps me motivated. Just on P-day I think about it. Jace is huge
KK tell cec Im proud of her.
bye bye
Elder Wilson
hey everybody,
yeah so its May now. Reality is starting to set in a little bit. Deep down I really don’t believe I’m ever going home, but now that President Maynes even talks about it, its starting to sink in a bit. I’m starting to say I’m only going to do this one more time, for example fasting on the mission, going to zone conference. In the next confernce I’ll be giving my last testimony... thats so wierd.
I learned a lot about of lessons about my weaknesses and how much I still need to improve. We had zone conference and President Maynes talked to us about charity, and that part of it is looking at the potential people have, and not judgeing them. I realized I do that a lot, sometimes before we even teach them Im already doubting they will even be at the house, let alone progress. So I made an effort these past couple days after the conference to be more positive about people, it works out waybetter. We know that faith without works is dead, but I found out works without faith doesn’t work out either.
After the change in attitude things got a lot better, we've found a lot of people through references and have a lot more people listening to us. So things are looking up in Estacion. Ana is really excited and we are doing everything we can to get her divorce to go through.
My companion is doing really great. He came really prepared, his only problem is that he doesn’t teach simply, and so no one really follows his lessons. We've been practicing a lot one being clear, simple and direct, it works WAY better.
So Saturday I had my interview with President Maynes, we started talking about the things I learned from the conference, and I told him about charity. His answer was ''good elder, you work on that... for the next 55 days''
You'll all be happy to know that you all have presents now. What I bought for Kaylene and Josh is my personal favorite... I just hope none of it breaks on the way home. I also ran into one of my favorite people on the world Elder Meridith today... love that guy.
And I talked to Pres Maynes and I’ll be calling next Monday the 10th. But tommorow Ill do the precall I think, so well confirm everthing.
Valynn-Tell Jamen and Kateyln and Tyler good job
Grandma- are they spliting the stake?
Mom- Ill be home to help with chores in a bit. HAve you talked to Elder Puglisi's parents about houseing?
Matt- todavia no se jugar el futbol.
EE I cant believe I stil dont know Liam
Kim- Im still working hard, training keeps me motivated. Just on P-day I think about it. Jace is huge
KK tell cec Im proud of her.
bye bye
Elder Wilson
4-26-2010 E-MAIL
Subject: Perseverar hasta el fin
hey everybody,
Ya, well this week was... just a trial. We have a lot of investigators, but we had a really tough time finding time with them, so we spent a lot of time looking and knocking doors. I had a really cool experience one afternoon: It was about 4 pm and we hadn’t gotten into a house yet, we were walking down a road and I said a little prayer for guidance. I got a feeling we needed to cross the street and knock at a house. The man who answered was named Jenaro and he accepted a baptism date, it was super cool. But he didn’t come to church yesterday haha, so we need to find him again.
My companion had his first experience praying about the Book of Mormon with an investigator, it works everytime. He also participated in his first blessing of health. He blessed a girl while she was throwing up (wish I had a camera), and about 20 minutes later she was fine.
Its finally starting to cool down, it feels so nice. I went to Santa Cruz on Saturday to get my warts frozen off and on the drive there I let the autumn air blow on my face, it was nice. And contrary to what most people think, having cold air blow in my face didn’t make my lungs explode (I have so many stories about stuff like that when I get home).
But ya I went to Santa Cruz for that wart treatment... Liquid Nitrogen hurts A LOT! We'll see if I can get these bad boys taken off b4 June 26th at 1:32 pm...pacific standard time.
We are really going to be working more with our members this week. We’ve had some results with our own efforts, but we are going to be visiting more families this week and meeting with the leaders so they can give us a bit of guidance. I got pretty frustrated this week, so we need to change things up a bit this week.
Ok well.. I love you guys, pray for me.
-Elder Wilson
hey everybody,
Ya, well this week was... just a trial. We have a lot of investigators, but we had a really tough time finding time with them, so we spent a lot of time looking and knocking doors. I had a really cool experience one afternoon: It was about 4 pm and we hadn’t gotten into a house yet, we were walking down a road and I said a little prayer for guidance. I got a feeling we needed to cross the street and knock at a house. The man who answered was named Jenaro and he accepted a baptism date, it was super cool. But he didn’t come to church yesterday haha, so we need to find him again.
My companion had his first experience praying about the Book of Mormon with an investigator, it works everytime. He also participated in his first blessing of health. He blessed a girl while she was throwing up (wish I had a camera), and about 20 minutes later she was fine.
Its finally starting to cool down, it feels so nice. I went to Santa Cruz on Saturday to get my warts frozen off and on the drive there I let the autumn air blow on my face, it was nice. And contrary to what most people think, having cold air blow in my face didn’t make my lungs explode (I have so many stories about stuff like that when I get home).
But ya I went to Santa Cruz for that wart treatment... Liquid Nitrogen hurts A LOT! We'll see if I can get these bad boys taken off b4 June 26th at 1:32 pm...pacific standard time.
We are really going to be working more with our members this week. We’ve had some results with our own efforts, but we are going to be visiting more families this week and meeting with the leaders so they can give us a bit of guidance. I got pretty frustrated this week, so we need to change things up a bit this week.
Ok well.. I love you guys, pray for me.
-Elder Wilson
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Elder Michael David Wilson
Mision Peru Lima Este
Calle Los Agrologos 368
Urbinizacion Las Acacias de Monterrico
La Molina, Lima 12, Peru
Mision Peru Lima Este
Calle Los Agrologos 368
Urbinizacion Las Acacias de Monterrico
La Molina, Lima 12, Peru
Only a single sheet of paper folded and taped can be sent via this address.
Elder Michael D. Wilson
Peru Lima East Mission
P.O. Box 30150
SLC, UT 84130-0150
Elder Michael D. Wilson
Peru Lima East Mission
P.O. Box 30150
SLC, UT 84130-0150
- Wilson family
- MISSION: Bolivia Santa Cruz ENTERED MTC ON: June 25, 2008 RELEASE DATE: June 25, 2010
2nd Nephi 15: 26-30
26 And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth; and behold, they shall come with speed swiftly; none shall be weary nor stumble among them.
27 None shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken;
28 Whose arrows shall be sharp, and all their bows bent, and their horses’ hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind, their roaring like a lion.
29 They shall roar like young lions; yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry away safe, and none shall deliver.
30 And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea; and if they look unto the land, behold, darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof
26 And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth; and behold, they shall come with speed swiftly; none shall be weary nor stumble among them.
27 None shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken;
28 Whose arrows shall be sharp, and all their bows bent, and their horses’ hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind, their roaring like a lion.
29 They shall roar like young lions; yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry away safe, and none shall deliver.
30 And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea; and if they look unto the land, behold, darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof
Mike receiving his call!
